Rui WangRui Wang

I received my BEng and PhD from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. During my PhD, I spent half a year in University of California, Los Angeles. After receiving my PhD, I worked at University of California, Davis for ten months. Since then, I have been working as assistant/associate professor at Tsinghua University.

Research Topics

My core research mainly focuses on geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil liquefaction, which extends in the theoretical direction to constitutive modelling and micro scale soil fabrics, and in the engineering application direction to the evaluation and high-performance simulation of large-scale geotechnical structures. I use DEM in combination with imaging technology to study the evolution of soil fabric and its influence on mechanical behavior at the macro scale. Based on insights gained from laboratory tests and micro scale analysis, I work on developing constitutive models for soil with special consideration on cyclic behaviour and liquefaction. To apply theoretical developments to engineering practice, I am working on calibration of constitutive model parameters combining in-situ and laboratory tests. I am also developing high-performance dynamic solid-fluid coupled simulation methods and platform for geotechnical earthquake engineering, including FEM-FVM, MPM-FVM, and FEM-MPM-FVM coupling techniques with MPI parallel computing. These constitutive modelling and simulation work have been applied in several dam, underground structure, and offshore structure projects

Why Open Geomechanics?

I have firm belief that research should be made openly available to promote scientific and technological advances of mankind. The primary purpose for the publication of research should be to enhance our understanding of a subject, rather than for career development, promotion, or seeking for higher impact factor and h index etc. I feel that the goal of Open Geomechanics strongly aligns with my own beliefs.

Statement of interests

My salary is paid by Tsinghua University - to teach courses and do research. Some of my research projects are funded publicly (Chinese research agencies), I've also received funding from the following companies: China Railway Design Corporation, China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, CNOOC, Powerchina Huadong Engineering Corporation, Powerchina Chengdu Engineering Corporation, China Communications Construction Corporation.